UC3 equipment obtains the classification of the area as “Non-Hazardous Zone” according to ATEX DIRECTIVES
Analysis by experts from ISQ - Instituto de Soldadura e Qualidade.
It is with great pleasure that we announce that after extensive and detailed analysis by experts from ISQ – Instituto de Soldadura e Qualidade (www.isq.pt), this Institute has prepared the “EXPLOSION PROTECTION MANUAL – UC3 – ULTIMATE CELL CONTINUOUS COMBUSTION” for analysis of possible explosion hazards.
Given the detection systems and the various safety systems implemented, it is not foreseeable that hydrogen-air concentrations will occur near the hydrogen lower explosive limit (4%). Thus, if the provided redundancy of these implemented safety systems is permanently safeguarded, no conditions are expected to form an explosive atmosphere and as such the installation was considered a Non-Hazardous Zone.
Area Classification: Non-Hazardous Zone